Monday, April 27, 2009

Adventures in Azeroth: Cast of Characters

So you know that consistency I suck at? Like, how I haven't put up 'Wisdom of Kerbochaurd' in two weeks? Well we're going to ADD to that! YAY!

I used to have pages of storyline written regarding my WoW chars and those I played with but alas, most of them were lost in the Great BoB Purge of the Last Hardrive. So we're more or less starting from scratch, which has the benefit of thinking things through in a fresh way and the downside that if I were to just launch into what I have so would be thoroughly confused.

Hence I provide here a small cast of characters that will surely grow as I bring in more or altogether different storylines, as the mood takes me.

Characters and the Story So Far:

In Alphabetical Order:

Anaemus: Blood Elf Death Knight, Frostpire (in case that's hard to figure out: frost-vampire). Assassin and "Corrupter" for the Lich King.
Appearance: Silver-white hair worn in a high ponytail; red eyes fringed in ice-blue, delicate features, obviously always fully armored.
How Anaemus came to be in service to the Scourge is still a mystery, perhaps even to herself. When she was Raised, she found the dark forces had twisted her soul and required her to consume the blood of the living in order to be at full strength. As a Corrupter, her duty is to turn others, frequently through torture, which makes her a brilliant manipulator, and violator of the mind and spirit.

Rezzirection: Troll Priestess (Holy, though previously Shadow). Former companion to the Penanced Born and currently captive of the Death Knight Anaemus.
Appearance: Straw-colored hair in two braids down the front, one in the back and an excess that falls to her waist. Green eyes, dark blue skin, a youthful face, extremely tall. Usually wears the robes of her office.
Rezzirection, of the Eight Arrows Tribe was raised to be the Priestess of her village, arguably the single most important position. When a strange Blood Elf with a marked face came through, however, Zi left it all behind to follow her. They were together for a long, though indeterminate amount of time, with a strong if someone difficult to define relationship. Rezzirection was pulled from her lover by a summons from her mother to return to her native village. Somewhere along the way she was lost and her brother Gaesekki, along with a huntress of the tribe, Cerastes were sent out to find her.

This is as far as Zi remembers. At some point along the way, she died. In exchange for a second chance at life, she allowed her soul to be poisoned and became a Shadow priest, one who called upon the sacred powers to destroy and agonize instead of healing and comforting them, as was her nature. She is unaware that she was also a zombie for a time and that Penanced found her in that state.

She was found/captured/enslaved by Anaemus, which is where our story picks up.

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