The first Homo Gnosis Faustus, patron Saint of those who would know that which is meant to be unknowable.
I drew this first in pencil but it didn't save, so I'm afraid I don't have it for you.
This was intended to look like the stained glass window of a church, and it will hang in the as-yet-unnamed Archivist's chambers. Saint Pandora was meant to have something of the Madonna to her, beatific yet distant. She looks down into her box, crying tears of acid, yet she smiles. It is better to know, her eyes say.

The original picture done with marker with a minimal amount of smudging for the fire effect. Protip: All those runes are important. Well, her rosary/necklace thing and the rune in the back. But that would be spoilz.

Was going more for a 'woodcut' look here. But it is harder to make out her smile.

Kind of a 'blown glass' thing here. I like filters, okay? And finally...

The actual 'stained glass' effect. not what I was going for, but as something like a 'chipped mosaic' piece, it kind of works.
Which do you guys think works best?
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